The Best Way to Invest with an Income of 460% in Three Years!


Everyone sooner or later thinks about creating passive income. A great opportunity to save and even increase capital is investing in stock markets. But how to invest money in the stock market without risks? Let’s deal with specifics!

Best shares to buy for the short term. Right now!

People invest in stocks with the purpose to receive the profit. However, the difference is that some people invest their money in companies with a long-term return on investment perspective. Other people prefer quick profits. In this case, short-term stocks are an ideal choice.

Features of short-term investments:

  • Purchase of shares for a period of 6–12 months;
  • A relatively large percentage of income;
  • The market price of a share is little dependent on inflation;
  • Liquidity of shares.

We cannot give share market recommendations since the risks of each company must be assessed individually. In general, short-term investments can bring tangible returns. Is it possible to get an income of 460% in three years? Theoretically, yes. But in practice, everything is much more complicated. The main thing is to know and understand investment strategies and analyze the market in order to always know which shares to buy now.

Investments in precious metals and black gold

Long-term investments, as a rule, require calculation and detailed analysis, because investing money with the prospect of earning income in 3, 5 or even 10 years is very risky. One popular solution is to buy shares in oil companies, or to purchase precious metals. One way or another, oil stocks today provide an opportunity to invest money in this industry with confidence. So don’t worry about the future of your capital.

If your goal is to save your money and receive stable dividends, oil investing is the best way to invest in shares.

Regarding investments in precious metals, this method of investing has always been a stable source of income and capital savings. At a minimum, gold has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Precious metals are steadily growing in price;
  • The rise in the value of gold is higher than inflation;
  • The demand for precious metals always remains at a high level.

Slow but steady and stable growth allows you to invest in the long term with minimal risk. But what if you can’t calculate all the risks yourself? How to invest money without proper education and knowledge?

What is the best way to invest money?

What is the best investment strategy? Of course, invest with the help of professionals. Experienced exchange market players, as well as employees of investment funds, will always help to direct your money in the right direction, as they themselves are interested in making a profit. After all, this is their salary.

But what about income? There is some good news. Over the past 3 years, some companies have been able to achieve excellent capital gains and high profits!

For example, the EarnMoneySave fund over the past 36 months showed a return of 460%. A great opportunity to invest with maximum profit.


If desired, any beginner can find the right path in the world of investment. Analyze the state of the market, study investment funds and companies, invest with minimal risk and maximum result!


Carolyn Coley is a blockchain reporter. She joined Smartereum after graduating from UC Berkeley in 2018.


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