Latest LiveEdu Product Development Update

Education Ecosystem  is seeking to build its first product, LiveEdu,into the Netflix for professional development – a subscription based service for improving your career skills. The company’s goal of disrupting the $360B professional development market continues to take shape as further product development progress is made. Here is an overview of product development progress made by the team in recent months.

Android App

The building of the Android app is being lead by Education Ecosystem Android developer David and LiveEdu project creator Valery. Thus far the team has completed implementation the Login, Signup,  Navigation, Subscription and Payment Process systems. The next steps for the Android app will be implementation of the Hub Page, Project Directory, Livestream Directory, Project Requests, and Schedule Page. Read more about the Android app progress and the team building it here.

Some of the Android app tasks in Jira


The payments system will allow LiveEdu users to make payments using Fiat as well as Crypto. Having multiple payment methods will make things easier for LiveEdu subscribers and provide them with as much convenience as possible. Find out more about the payments system here.


The frontend team is working on implementation of the Project Request process and Project Creator dashboard. The Project Request process is crucial for LiveEdu project creators as it is where they will get introduced to new concepts and ideas that can be added to the already existing content. The process is very thorough as project creators will need to provide an explanation of their project including curriculum, requirements and files. After finishing the project prototype the request gets sent to category managers who then review the subject and decide if the project will be added to the platform.

The Project Creator dashboard is a critical portion of the platform as it is where the project creators will be able to view the stats of their projects in detail, make crucial changes to their profile and view the transaction history of their payouts.


The major work the backend development team is currently undertaking centers around the implementation of the token subscription system. This includes allowing users to pay for their subscriptions with cryptocurrencies, displaying their LEDU balance and choosing the subscription plan they want.

Some of the Backend tasks in Jira



Streaming engineers are currently working on implementing wowza streaming cloud to make professional-grade streaming for LiveEdu subscribers. This will allow subscribers to view videos on any device with unparalleled control and flexibility.

Get LEDU Coin

Get LEDU coins now on Exrates, BitForex, Livecoin, Mercatox and IDEX or join the LEDU OTC Trading program for large purchases. Read more about LEDU coins on their project page and ask any questions you might have in their Telegram group chat.


Princess Ogono is a writer, lawyer and fitness enthusiast. She believes cryptocurrencies are the future. When she's not writing, she spends time with her adorable cat, Ginger and works out often.


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