Japan’s Telecom Giant, KDDI Corporation, Joins Ethereum Enterprise Alliance

Japanese top telecommunications company, KDDI Corporation, announced that they have joined forces with Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA). KDDI will now be part of the alliance that includes industry leaders like Microsoft, Toyota, J.P Morgan, Intel and others leaders. It will bring their industry expertise and validation for the growing ethereum blockchain platform.

KDDI Ethereum 

EEA was created to define enterprise grade software to handle highly demanding applications at the speed of business. It is a distributed application platform for enterprises.

KDDI hopes to create enterprise grade telecommunication applications using ethereum smart contracts and blockchain technology.

KDDI is developing proof of concepts with startups such as Couger, Trident Arts and Kentauros Works.

Enterprise grade smart contract applications are being developed by KDDI and partners to validate the following solutions to benefit telecommunication industry:

  • To facilitate payments between companies.
  • Open services built on blockchain platforms like Ethereum.
  • To collaborate with partners using smart contracts.
  • Mobile Phone repair services using smart contracts.
    • To determine repair costs and pre-owned phone prices.
  • To explore Artificial Intelligence(AI) and Internet of Things (IOT) to develop next generation service platform on blockchain network.


“Autonomously discern data from different systems such as repair price, model exchange price, used handset market price to make an optimum contract,”

KDDI also would intend to involve in “cooperation with other members of the EEA to create a robust next generation service platform based on the combined “AI x IoT x Blockchain” technology.”

Smartereum News Desk

Sheetal Kallianpur - Developer 

Senior Systems Analyst. Software Developer. She has graduated from MCA, Computers.





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