Successful IDO on DiamondLaunch Paves Way for Web3Shot’s Decentralization Governance

In the past two days, the public token launch of Web3Shot Governance Token ($W3S) has caught great attention from the public. The IDO started on Wednesday April 12, 2023, at 2:00AM UTC and ended today (Friday April 14 2023) at 2:00AM UTC. The IDO was a big success with a total of 1549 addresses participating, marking a milestone in Web3Shot’s community building and decentralization governance.

In the Web3 era, people are either attracted or drawn to better understand the terminologies and adopt the new technology. Seeing this as an opportunity and wishing to empower users in the new era, Web3Shot is in place for massive web3 adoption. With Web3Shot’s easy-to-use Learn-to-Earn product and other gamified learning experiences, Web3Shot is aiming at onboarding billions of users to web3 world. At the same time, Web3Shot is also building a powerful community, with members at the center, for collective learning.

For a more inclusive future, decentralizing governance is a critical step toward ensuring the long-term success of any decentralized platform. With this community-owned DAO governance, Web3Shot community members can continuously learn and participate in Web3Shot, build partnerships, and create a bigger Web3Shot ecosystem together.

Web3Shot has been working hard towards this goal. Thanks to its effort, the market and users has offered some positive feedback. In April 13th, the total amount of Web3Shot users reached 500, 000; and in the past month, Web3Shot’s website traffic has grown by 1446%. This data not only demonstrated the popularity of Web3Shot, but also prove that Web3Shot’s strategy is the right way forward.

This IDO can be deemed as a giveback to the users, and more remarkably, a key step of Web3Shot’s strategic development of its decentralized governance. During the public launch, Web3Shot adapted the launch model of fair launch price discovery model, with 300K $USDT softcap and 450K $USDT hardcap. The minimum amount per address will be 100 $USDT, while the maximum amount per address is 300 $USDT. The whole plan and procedure undoubtfully contribute to a community-owned DAO governance that ensures a fair and equitable decision-making process that benefits all stakeholders.

Aspiring to become one of the largest Web3 communities, the next stage of Web3Shot’s development plan is to create personal learning experience enhanced by AI algorithm and offer more advanced gamified learning experiences. In the meantime, Web3Shot has also been collaboration and partnership with more Web3 projects to co-build the Web 3 ecosystem and working towards a DAO-style governance structure, marked by this recent successful IDO on DiamondLaunch.

Carolyn Coley is a blockchain reporter. She joined Smartereum after graduating from UC Berkeley in 2018.


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